Saturday, October 11, 2014

Whitening Teeth on a Natural Way :)

1. Eat more crunchy fruits and vegetables. A big part of keeping your teeth clean involves eating the right foods correctly. Avoid sticky, chewy, sugary foods and eat fresh, raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables to help clean your teeth. Naturally crunchy foods help to remove many of the sugars and chemicals that can cause tooth decay.
  • Cucumbers, carrots, broccoli, celery, and raw nuts are also great ingredients to eat to keep your teeth clean. Because they're crunchy, they get the saliva going, aiding in lessening tooth stains.

2. Try bananas, strawberries, and lemons. These fruits are delicious and extremely common in using for whitening purposes, often synthesized and incorporated into many cleaning products, natural or no.
  • Strawberries are commonly mashed into a natural toothpaste, often mixed with a small amount of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice. While this mixture is quite acidic and needs to be washed off your teeth with water soon after brushing, it's quite effective and clearing away stains and keeping your teeth clean.
  • Bananas also have similar teeth-whitening qualities. It's a common remedy to use the inside of the banana peel to scrub at the teeth to clean them in a pinch. Over time, this can even help to whiten teeth.

3.Increase your calcium intake. Cheese, milk, yogurt, and other calcium-rich products can help to remineralize your teeth and fight cavities, due to the amount of calcium and phosphorus present in the foods, which work together to strengthen enamel.
The calcium used to rebuild teeth must be dissolved in the saliva. Some remineralization methods may work for "white spot lesions" but not necessarily "intact tooth surfaces. 

4. Experiment with oil pulling. Oil pulling is an Ayurvedic medicine technique for detoxifying your mouth and cleaning your teeth and gums with oil. Swirling an organic cooking oil like coconut, grape seed, almond, or olive around your mouth daily can rejuvenate the cells, "pulling" toxins out of the mouth.

5. Try chewing on neem sticks. Neem twigs and miswak sticks are used in many cultures to clean the teeth. After chewing the bark off the end of as tick, you can separate fibrous bristles in the pulp of the wood, which can be used to brush the teeth as normal. The act of chewing and sucking on the twigs likewise helps to clean the mouth.

Dental Visit - Every Six Months Regular dental visits are essential for the maintenance of healthy teeth and gums. And in between those examinations, it’s important that you work to keep your teeth and gums clean and healthy. If you need additional help, your dentist may even suggest more frequent visits.

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